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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wonderful weather

It's cooled off nicely and the oasis is doing the best it can to get up to speed. In some ways with all the dead stuff mixed in, it gives it a more natural look, not that it ever looked like a city park, or anything. The small shower my sister got yesterday, and called me about in Alpine turned out to be nearly an inch at my oasis, but it didn't run enough to hurt anything. Wish I'd ever get to witness these rains, but it seems when I stay down here waiting, it never happens, and I think of all the work awaiting me in Alpine, and other obligations. Plus I have faster internet there, as well as free long distance. Sounds like I'm getting soft in my old age.


  1. You know what they say about the watched pot never boiling. I'm curious though about something. Before and after it monsoon moisture rains, what fragrances do you notice out there ?

  2. Good question. I haven't noticed as much fragrance this year as other years, I don't think. Usually one smells the creosote, and I have beebrush blooming, but with everything so full of water right now, it just sort of smells wettish, nothing memorable these days. Lots of wet dead brush, mulch, branches, etc, which smell rather like wet decaying wood. I'll go on a sniffing tour later and update you.

  3. The positive side of even the dead stuff is that it ALL provides habitat and now that it's dead, it's a different kind of habitat. I suspect your place will continue to flourish but in new ways.

    Do you only have satellite internet at the oasis or is there a line run there?

    Chris Miller - One Family's Journey To Finding True Happiness

  4. Same here...only .33" so far in the last 4 days, but some big storms brewing to the east and moving in! I like the humidity and scents, too, though with E winds, not much creosote bush right now.
